Sailing Inconceivable #9: New Boat Launch, and Old Boat Repair

We start this weeks episode with Lynn, Max, and Hans on Inconceivable. Then, to Sebago for the launch of Canarsian, the 23 foot skiff the club has been building for two and a half years. Finally, back to Inconceivable to replace the broken master battery switch that failed last week.

As always, the music is original – written and performed by Hans.

Links of interest related to this episode:
Jim Luton’s Canopy Studios:
Sebago Canoe Club:
Doug Hylan’s Point Comfort 23:

If you enjoyed the movie, please give it a thumbs up. And, subscribe to our channel to stay up to date on all things Inconceivable.

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Sailing Memes

Some I have found. Most I made. I tried to credit the photos, but you know the internet. Anyway, enjoy.

The USCG training vessel Barque Eagle (Essdras M Suarez/Globe Staff)

Sailing Inconceivable – #5: The Transit – Sailing Through New York City

We did it! Took little sailing vessel Inconceivable from City Island to Brooklyn. The trip took about six and a half hours to cover just under 40nm, averaging 5.5knots! that’s pretty good, until you consider that most of that speed was because we rode the ebb out to sea the whole way, including the East River, were the current topped out at 4.4 knots at its peak! WOOHOO!!

Here’s a look at our track:

Sailing Inconceivable’s Spring Transit Track

What an amazing journey. Not far, as cruising sails go, but, location location location, baby!!! Under those amazing NYC bridges, past instantly recognizable landmarks, and a pretty cool East River surprise – watch the vid, no spoilers here.

For those interested in examining the area closer, you can find them at NOAA’s chart page. You are looking for chart numbers 12327, 12339, and 12366.

So, enough chit chat.. Please, enjoy the latest installment of Sailing Inconceivable:

The List

This is it… ‘The List.’

[cue dramatic music]

No no no. It’s not that bad.


Oh, come on. Seriously.

Everyone who has ever had a boat gets it. The moment water touched the hull the list started. Inconceivable is certainly no different. In fact, we knew we were taking on a project as soon as we stepped off the pier… After all, that was sort of the idea. But, what made Inconceivable so perfect for us was that she was sailable as is. We were not looking for a boat that would have to spend a year or more on the hard before we got any tiller time at all.

So, here, take a look at the list:


  • Fuel return line – replace
  • Electric fuel pump needs to be rewired
  • Coolant overflow Install
  • Transmission linkage misaligned
  • Test/check oil pressure light/transducer
  • Install engine compartment fan

Hoses and fittings:

  • fasten loose starboard cockpit scupper
  • Replace aging or non-marine spec hose clamps


  • Inspect/replace all zincs – rudder, centerboard, heat exchanger
  • Bottom paint


  • Anchor light lamp replace
  • All lamps replace with LEDs


  • Install windicater on masthead
  • Replace mainsail telltales and install telltales on shrouds
  • Replace main battens


  • Replace companionway frame woodwork and build new companionway boards(s)
  • Oil brightwork
  • Deal with peeling paint

Not bad, right? Each item on that list… we are talking a single day, or even just a few hours. But, it’s all still a thing, you know? And, before it was organized and written down – I might be standing on the deck, looking at the peeling paint, the raw faded brightwork, the cracked companionway frame… Argh!!!

At times, it does feel overwhelming. I was never really good at logistics. Writing stuff down helps – It encapsulates the work as a single volume of manageable pieces. When it starts to get into my head, all I have to do is consult the list. Now, since the required work is managed, I can start thinking about the non-essentials without feeling like the more urgent items will be overlooked. Speaking of non-essentials:


  • Buy a dinghy – preferably with a sailing rig
  • Install shore power
  • Install water system
  • Install battery meter

Major Upgrades:

  • Bow anchor locker
  • Propane system including stove

Dream Upgrades:

  • Chart plotter
  • Multifunction instruments including wind, speed, and depth
  • Solar
  • Wind power

The upgrades will come as we see fit. Our long term goals will make requirements out of some of these. But, for now, we will concentrate on the more immediate items from the repair and replace list.

As of this writing, we are less than a month from opening day at the marina. The few below the waterline items need addressing before that (we would like to be floating sooner than later). Also, I have already begun work on a couple of the engine items, requiring that those move up on the list, too.

So, in the coming months, we will tackle these one by one. The plan is to use this site, YouTube, and social media to create a running report of our progress. A web maintenance log. And, we will throw in some sailing, too. Because, that’s what it’s all about.



First Video

It’s short, I know. We have spent a lot of time getting used to Inconceivable, learning her systems, fixing this and that, we haven’t been filming much. But, in the interest of introductions…

Our first boat. My first boat.

My apologies to Lynn. Inconceivable is OUR boat. But, though it is not her first boat, it is mine. For that reason, this introductory post is personal — A light on the intimate relationship of a man and his first boat. I will be playing it a little fast and loose with the pronouns. I guess, for that reason, I should also apologize to the grammatically conscious readers struggling to get through my inelegantly crafted prose… But, I won’t – deal with it.

Our intention was to find a floating summer home — Something to satisfy my love of sailing and Lynn’s desire for a floating summer home. Little did I know, a year later, I would be in love with this pretty little boat in a way I never imagined possible, and find myself caring for her like a beloved member of the family.

From the first moment aboard… You know that feeling – Stepping onto a strange deck, getting that first reaction? Inconceivable felt right. Like a good handshake: Instantly engaged in the connection, open to developing a new relationship. That’s what it was like.

Over time, that feeling has developed into a close friendship. A few days away gets me all, “It’s time for a hang with Inconceivable.” Schedules are adjusted, plans are made, and I look forward to her approving nod as I walk up the dock. And, now, jumping aboard…

The handshake has turned into a hug. My feet and the deck connect. We speak to each other, we laugh, we dance. Her rigging sings a delightful song. It’s really quite beautiful.

Post Script: As of this writing, Inconceivable is on the hard. And, even though there is a long list of projects of varying urgency awaiting attention, I find myself longing for her return to the water. By the way, I am by no means a fair weather sailor. It’s just that a couple things on that list require access below the waterline. Still, I just want her back where she belongs — Afloat.
