Episode 7 of Sailing Inconceivable is up!!!
Finally, some real sailing… On other people’s boats. Whatever! It’s sailing!!
First, Patrick brings his Goat Island Skiff from Sebago Canoe Club to Gateway Marina via beautiful Jamaica Bay. Off camera, he and Hans take the Goat across the Lower Bay, around Hoffman and Swinburn Islands, then back to Gateway.
Next day, Hans heads out with neighbors Dan and Ingrid for a quick sail and a swim.
The music you heard in this episode was written and performed by Hans.
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And, here are some other links of interest regarding topics mentioned in this episode:
Goat Island Skiff plans at Wooden Boat: https://www.woodenboat.com/boat-plans-kits/goat-island-skiff
Michael Storer’s website (designer of the Goat): http://www.storerboatplans.com
Sebago Canoe Club: http://www.sebagocanoeclub.org
C&C Corvette 31 Owners Association: http://www.corvettesailboatassociation.com
Hunter ‘Cherubini’ 27: http://sailboatdata.com/viewrecord.asp?class_id=819