Sailing Inconceivable #18: Captain Lynn Goes Sailing, Whisker Poles, and an Eclipse

In this episode, a rigging suprise dramatically alters our downwind abilities. Yes, the mysterious whisker pole we found on board when we bought Inconceivable finally gets deployed. And, bonus, works great!!!

Hans and Dan test the pole on a sail out to see the partial eclipse. So cool, and lots of fun.

Then, after a short beach walk, Lynn and Hans take their friend Esther out for a relaxed excursion off Coney Island… Oh, so many Max kisses for Esther.

The music in this episode, and pretty much all of Sailing Inconceivable, was written and recorded by Hans.

Links of interest from this episode:
Whisker pole how-to on Cruising World: has a great article and links post-eclipse:

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