Sailing Inconceivable #15: Exploring an Abandoned Airport, and Gunkholing Dories and Skiffs

Max and I take a short walk, across the street and through the gate, to one of the most storied places in aviation history. Floyd Bennett Field, New York City’s first commercial airport, is a hidden gem.

Then, back to Sebago Canoe Club for the annual Traditional Small Boat Cruise – Dorries, Sharpies, Skiffs of all kinds – across the bay, and through the marshes, spartina glowing, and creeks flowing.

Links of interest:

Floyd Bennett Field:
Gateway National Recreation Area:
The Traditional Small Craft Association (TSCA):
TSCA Brooklyn Chapter :

We love Max very much, and wish everyone could experience the joy he has brought into our lives. So, here’s a special link, just for him:

Hans wrote, performed, recorded, edited, and mixed the music on this episode. Blame him for the tunes stuck in your head.

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