In this episode of Sailing Inconceivable, birds eat fish, kids learn sailing, and Hans takes his sweet little boat out for another solo sail.
Lynn and Hans have gotten into the sea life surrounding them on the boat. Particularly, these little Least Terns – The way they flutter their wings before plunging to the surface for fish – So neat. Max does not seem as impressed.
Tuesday morning, some volunteer sailing instructors from the National Park Service showed up with a couple dozen school kids in tow. They took the girls out on the bay to teach them the basics of sailing. We had no idea this was a thing. Cool!
After Lynn and Max took off, Hans tries his hand at another solo run. Three hours got Inconceivable to Ambrose Channel and back, passing Coney Island along the way.
All the music in Sailing Inconceivable was written and performed by Hans for this video series.
Links of interest related to this episode:
Gateway National Recreation Area:
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